Support Hub

Payment Queries

Updated a year ago

Why am I receiving an error when trying to purchase?

Receiving an error code when trying to pay? We know, it's painful. In fact, it's almost as annoying as standing at the gym doors and not being able to get in because you forgot your pin...

On rare occasions, when trying to place an order you may get an error code. This is most likely relating to a payment issue, however they're not as scary as they may sound as they're usually just errors with your bank card/provider.

Please see below some of the more common payment error codes and their definitions;

2000 – Do not honour - The customer's bank is unwilling to accept the transaction. The customer will need to contact their bank for more details regarding this generic decline.

2007 – No Account – The submitted card number is not on file with the card-issuing bank. The customer will need to contact their bank.

2015 – Transaction not allowed - The customer's bank is declining the transaction for unspecified reasons, possibly due to an issue with the card itself. They will need to contact their bank or use a different payment method.

3000 – Processor Network Unavailable – This response means there is an error with our payment gateway, but don’t worry, we’ll let you know of any issues and let you know once it’s fixed.

If you've received an error code different to the above, please click here to see a full list of potential errors and how to resolve.

Why have I been charged extra?

If you’re shopping from outside the UK, there’s a small chance you could be charged an International Banking fee by your bank (not Gymshark). Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to remove International Banking Charges at Gymshark; trust us, we would if we could!

These charges (usually between 2-3%) are very occasionally added to orders where a person’s bank is registered in a country where Gymshark isn’t registered. Most banks will allow this kind of transaction without charge, but unfortunately not all!

If you're unsure about any additional charges or payment error codes, it's worth double checking with your bank provider directly.

More Questions?

Please contact our support team here.

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